Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Lauren and it's about dating. Hi Jaime. I'm 47 years old and divorced. It's not easy meeting new people to date, but lately I’ve been finding myself more and more attracted to a guy I see almost every day at work, but he used to date a friend of mine. She's not one of my best friends, but she is a friend. They broke up over six months ago, not for any major reason, just because they weren't compatible. My friend seems to have moved on, so do you think it's okay for me to make a move and ask him out? Is it ever okay to date a friend's ex, or is this just asking for trouble? Hope you can give me some good advice. I appreciate it. ~ Lauren. I think the best thing to do is for Lauren to ask her friend, or at the very least, let her know that she's going to date him. It sounds like he's a good guy, but that it just wasn't right between Lauren's friend and him, so I don't think it should be a big deal at all. It would be one thing if he broke her heart or he treated her badly, but this doesn't sound like that, so I say, let your friend know and then go for it. What advice do you have for Lauren. Let's help her out on the TRY Facebook page.