Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma: Can I Say No To Becoming A Friend's Baby's Godfather?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Kirk and it's about friendship and obligations. Here's his email: Hey Jaime. I need some good advice so hope you use this as your social dilemma. So an old friend of mine whom I used to be roommates with is having a baby. He doesn’t have much family and I’m happy he’s making one of his own. Now we only saw each other a few times a year and talked through social media but two months ago he and his wife moved into my neighborhood so we see each other all the time now and it’s been great, we’ve definitely gotten close again. The problem is that he told another friend that he’s going to ask me to be Godfather to his unborn child and I don’t really want to be. I would take it as a big responsibility and don’t know if I’d be a good one. Especially since my job can move me at any time. So I'm going to tell him No. But is that going to hurt our friendship? Can you say no to this kind of request? Hope you can help. Thanks ~ Kirk I'm not quire sure how it will affect the friendship. I am a Godmother to seven children and I never would have thought to say no. I consider it an honor, and even though I haven't always been an integral part of all of their lives, they know that I am always there if they need me, and that's the important part. I'm sorry Kirk feels like he wouldn't be right for the job, but if that's how he feels, telling his friend is the right way to go. What do you think? Let's help Kirk out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

The father's hands hold the baby in his arms in the church. The kid looks at the candles burning in the temple. Child in church

Photo: Sviatlana Lazarenka / iStock / Getty Images

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